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I recently purchased 4 3" by 8" diamond belts for use on my lapidary machine. I was pleased when I saw them and they are far more substantial than any of the "cheap" belts that I have bought and used. I can't tell you how they perform yet as my shop is in the back yard and doesn't have any walls, so I am out in the cold, and here in Utah, it is just too cold to try to polish stones in the winter. I suspect, just by the look of them, that they are going to far out-perform any of the others. Also the people at Covington Engineering are extremely helpful with advice. I think I found my home for diamond belts.
The diamond belts cut faster and last longer than silica carbide. Beginners should use caution as the belts remove material much faster. Makes a professional much more productive!
I use my sander only for stained glass work. I am currently doing numerous prairie-style lamp shades and lanterns. They repeat with lots of small, slender strips. I am determined to fabricate these strips as accurately as is possible. The sander has allowed me to fine tune the dimensions for the results I want. I haven't used my grinder since I received the sander. Looking forward to using my new 100-grit diamond belt.